by Mei Lele

June 23, 2023

do baby gas drops cause constipation

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It is common for babies to have constipation when they first try different formulas or eat processed food. 

You start to look for a product to relieve constipation, and you see people suggest gas drops. Although those gas drops are not FDA-approved, some users claimed they could cause loose feces, making moms suspicious that baby gas drops cause constipation.

Many young parents use a lot of gas drops to treat constipation and colic; what happens if you give a newborn too much gas? 

If caregivers do not want to use medical treatment, then how to relieve my baby's constipation quickly?

Recognize When Your Baby Has Constipation

do baby gas drops cause constipation

The typical symptoms of constipation are firm, dried stools. Other symptoms of constipation include:

  • When trying to pass a poop, your baby could be struggling
  • Your infant may appear upset, cranky, or agitated
  • Your infant may be eating less or not feeding as well as normally
  • The skin around the anus may develop a rip or crack and occasionally bleed

Another sign is when your child may look bloated or have a larger-than-normal stomach in some situations if they are constipated. If you gently press their tummy, you might feel their poop (hard, firm lumps).

Causes Of Constipation In Babies

do baby gas drops cause constipation

There are many reasons causing constipation for kids. Parents could look for their children got these signs:

  • Ignoring the urge to use the restroom might lead to constipation.
  • Consuming insufficient fiber
  • Not enough liquids consumed
  • Changing from liquid to solid foods or formula to breast milk (infants)
  • Situational changes, such as travel, the start of school, or tense situations

Constipation may have one or several medical causes, such as:

  • Gastrointestinal conditions that affect the bowel's muscles or nerves
  • Other illnesses that have bowel effects
  • Use of specific medications

Because they are still learning to manage their bowel movements and are not yet ready for toilet training, children may ignore the desire to urinate.

As they have experienced unpleasant bowel movements in the past, children refuse to take a piss at a business or a school.

Gas Drop: What Is In It And What Does It Do?

Gas drops are a type of medical treatment. Simethicone, which deflates stomach gas bubbles, is the main active component in these products. 

As a result, this product can treat excess gas symptoms like belching, bloating, gut/stomach pressure, or discomfort. Simethicone aids in dissolving intestinal gas bubbles.

Except in cases where a newborn is receiving thyroid hormone drugs, gas drops are typically safe for usage in babies. 

Parents can serve gas drops for babies by mixing them with water, formula, or breast milk. Except in cases where a newborn is receiving thyroid hormone drugs, gas drops are typically safe for usage in babies.

Do Baby Gas Drops Cause Constipation?

do baby gas drops cause constipation

In short, no. There is no command evidence that gas drops can treat constipation, but gas drop does not cause it.

According to Mayo Clinic Q, Simethicone is a medication generally found in over-the-counter gas drops to relieve the uncomfortable sensations brought by too much gas in the stomach and intestines. 

Although it is uncommon, it could result in loose stools.

What Happens If You Give A Newborn Too Much Gas Drop?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, gas drops are safe for newborns and rarely have side effects.

Nevertheless, if you give a baby too much gas drop, it could accidentally cause some side effects.

The list of potential side effects is not complete. If you experience any severe adverse reaction symptoms, such as a rash, itching, or swelling (particularly of the face, tongue, or throat), severe dizziness, or difficulty breathing, please seek medical attention.

Can You Use Gas Drops For Constipation?

Although gas drops are usually safe, there is little proof that they are effective in treating infant constipation. 

However, many parents claim that the former helps relieve colic and other stomach issues, and the latter wonder for dispersing gas bubbles. If your doctor gives it to your child, give it a try.

Do not forget the right amount of gas drops before giving them to kids.

  • 0.3 mL should be administered to infants under two years old and weighing 24 lbs. 
  • Kids 2 and older who weigh more than 24 lbs should get 0.6 mL.

Just be sure to track the proper amount using a measuring spoon or the dosage device in the product.

How Can I Relieve My Baby's Gas And Constipation?

To help your babies with constipation naturally, parents can try different home remedies before using medical treatment. Parents and babies can require some time to become used to new activities, but you should give it a try.

Light workout

Like it does for adults, movement and exercise are likely to boost a baby's bowel movements.

Even though a baby may not be walking or crawling, a parent may want to encourage them to move to help with constipation.

The caregiver can gently move their legs to imitate riding a bicycle while the baby is lying on their back. You might enhance bowel movement and eliminate constipation by doing this.

Diet adjustments

do baby gas drops cause constipation

The caregiver giving their infant formula may want to try a different brand. Moms should consult a doctor before using a mild or dairy-free recipe. If one tweak does not work, trying other recipes will not help.

While a baby is starting to eat solid foods, parents or other caregivers should strive to introduce meals that are high in fiber.

Several of these can help to stimulate the intestines since they contain more fiber than other fruits and vegetables. Foods that are suitable for babies with constipation include:

  • Water. When babies are older than six months, it is safe for them to start drinking water. However, parents should not replace breast milk or formula.
  • Fruit nectar. Your baby can also benefit from a few ounces of 100% fruit juice like apple, pear, or prune juice. These juices include sorbitol, a naturally occurring laxative.
  • Veggies and fruits. When your baby starts eating solid foods, give him pureed meals like prunes, pears, peaches, and peas; these foods can help relieve constipation since they include more fiber than other fruits and vegetables.
  • Juice. Once babies are between 2 and 4 months old, they may consume a small amount of 100% prune or apple juice.
  • Probiotics. Both probiotics and prebiotics, found in breast milk, have been demonstrated to improve gut health in people of all ages.

Prebiotics in newborn foods has been linked in studies to improved frequency and regularity of stools. Consider introducing yogurt or other foods with probiotics to your child's daily diet.

A warm bath

A baby's abdominal muscles can relax after taking a warm bath. It may also heal some of the discomfort brought on by constipation.

El Camino Hospital claims that taking a baking soda bath can ease rectal pain brought on by constipation. Additionally, it might be the tension in your anal sphincter, which could facilitate bowel movement.

Fill your tub with warm water and 2 ounces of baking soda to prepare for a baking soda bath. Spend 20 minutes soaking in it. 

Taking a rectal temperature 

When infants are constipated, taking their rectal temperature using a clean, lubricated thermometer may help them pass stools.

Rectal temperature should not be used too often since it can worsen constipation. The baby might cease wanting to go to the bathroom on their own or start associating having a bowel movement with discomfort, making them fuss or scream more.

If you need to use this method to help the baby urinate more frequently, consult the baby's pediatrician.


do baby gas drops cause constipation

There are several techniques for massaging a baby's abdomen to ease constipation. These include:

  • Circling the core with the fingertips in a clockwise motion.
  • Circling the navel in a clockwise motion with the fingers.
  • Hold the baby's legs and feet together while firmly pressing the baby's feet toward the stomach.
  • Rub the rib cage past the belly button with the finger's tip.


To help mommies fully understand infant constipation, we will provide a small FAQ that parents should know about babies' feces.

How long can my kid go without poopy?

It is common for babies older than eight weeks to go 4 or 5 days without having a dirty diaper, but this does not necessarily indicate that they are constipated. 

Breastfed neonates can go two weeks between poopy diaper changes once they are 2-3 months old, especially if they have not yet begun eating solid meals.

How often can a baby poop a day?

Approximately six times each day, newborn babies frequently defecate after each feeding. 

During the first several weeks following delivery, your baby's intestines are developing and getting better at absorbing nutrients from breast milk or formula.

The intervals between bowel movements increase as their intestines become more adept at processing food. Before you realize it, your two-month-old is going several days between diaper changes.

How can I be sure that I have constipation and not something else?

While constipation in your child is natural, persistent or extended constipation is not. 

If constipation lasts more than seven days following therapy, you should see a doctor rule out a more significant medical issue or develop a treatment plan for chronic constipation.

How can I avoid getting constipated?

Make sure your kid has a diet that is well-balanced and high in fiber. They also need to get plenty of exercise and consume a lot of fluids. Most crucial, remind them to go to the restroom when necessary. 

Give them a treat when they stop for a toilet break, or let them play outside for a little longer. If you're potty training, be sure to set aside "potty time."

Can constipation result from breast milk?

Babies can easily digest breast milk. It is a natural laxative. Constipation is, therefore, infrequent in infants who solely breastfeed. But that does not imply that it cannot.

Have you heard of soiling?

Soiling is the term for when liquid feces leak out around solid, compacted stools. It can occur one or more times per day and is usually misinterpreted as diarrhea.

Nothing a child can do will stop it, and parents often fail to distinguish between what they believe to be diarrhea and constipation, making the proper diagnosis challenging.

Can a baby be asleep from constipation?

Yes, it is due to the weak appetite (a constipated baby will not have room for additional meals). Your infant is agitated and crying. Your infant seems to lack energy.

Do infants who are constipated fart?

No. A baby may occasionally experience mild constipation or obstruction. In actuality, up to 30% of kids experience constipation regularly. Even though your kid is not pooping, farting may cause them to pass gas.

do baby gas drops cause constipation


In summary, gas drops do not cause constipation, but this baby-friendly product can relieve unpleasant signs of having too much gas in the stomach and loose stool due to the simethicone.

To know how to treat my baby's constipation quickly without any medical treatment, parents can try to change the diet with more fiber and water to soften the shite, which helps the baby easier to poo. 

Additionally, the baby can do some light exercise and try massage to relieve constipation. I hope all the tips can help parents and babies eliminate constipation!

About the author 

Mai Pham

Mai Pham discovered her passion for writing a few years ago and she never stop thinking about it ever since. She finally took the leap and created Live a Worthy Life to brag about her smart ass (mainly just for fun). Enjoyed the fun writing brings, now with her new interest in everything-baby-related, she created Mommy Instinct, to tell mamas that it's ok that they mess up, that they don't know what the hell they are doing, and that it's okay to sit back and relax for a while.

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