by maipham

May 10, 2021

how to baby proof drawers without handles

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Our babies are absolutely cute. They do nothing but eat, play and sleep. Then things change.

When babies crawl, trouble begins. You'll be amazed by how easily your baby can travel once they start crawling, even without your knowledge. They'll want to investigate everything they can get their hands on. They enjoy putting their hands into drawers to explore the world.

It's also necessary to childproof any drawers that a curious toddler might get into and make a mess, whether it's the knife drawer, the cleaning drawer, or just your office supplies.

If your drawers lack handles, you must babyproof them to keep your baby safe when you leave them alone in the house. But then you wonder, "How do I baby-proof drawers that don't have handles?" It's difficult, but I'm here to show you how to baby-proof drawers without handles in a simple and practical manner. It's for the sake of your child's safety. Do you want to know what these steps are? Read on!

Why Baby Proof Drawers?

When we talk about baby-proofing the home, the first thing that comes to mind is shielding your child from electrical, water, fire, and stairway hazards. Not to mention minimizing the risk of your child ingesting poisonous plants found around the home.

Drawers for baby proofing should undoubtedly be included on the list. What is the reason for this? You may be shocked to learn that approximately 800,000 children between the ages of one and two visit the emergency room each year because they’ve accidentally ingested harmful substances. Drawers can be hazardous to children, especially babies, because of the following factors:

  • They house a variety of objects, some of which could be dangerous if your child gets their hands on them. Knives, razors, and medical supplies are just a few examples.
  • Prepare to clean up the mess if your baby spews the contents of the drawer around the kitchen floor, even if there are no dangerous things in the drawers!
  • Drawers contribute to finger injuries, which are all too common in toddlers. Your child will close the drawers on their fingers. Imagine the pain!
  • It's also possible for your child to pull the drawer on top of them, resulting in serious injury, depending on the size of the drawer.
  • Consider drawers as your child's personal ladder for gaining access to higher surfaces. Dangerous?
  • Baby-proofing drawers are beneficial to both you and your child. They could slam them, causing them to wear and tear again and again.

What to Consider When Baby Proofing Drawers 

Drawer locks are the most popular way to baby-proof your drawers. Only remember to weigh the following factors before making your purchase:

  • Is it possible to completely close the drawer with the lock? It's not a good idea to pick locks that have gaps for little fingers to fit through. Even the smallest gap can allow your child to fit their little finger and risk being squashed.
  • Is the lock sturdy? Choose a sturdy lock that your child won't be able to open. Mind you, babies are extremely intelligent.
  • Is it simple to use? Keep in mind that you will use your drawers daily. While you should choose a sturdy lock, it should also be simple to open. You don't need a lock that requires you to fiddle for several minutes before you can open the drawer.
  • Is it necessary to hard-mount it? Some locks may cause permanent changing of the drawers. If you are renting the property, you should first check-in with the landlord.

How To Baby Proof Drawers Without Handles

Adhesive strap locks or adhesive magnetic locks are the most convenient way to baby-proof drawers without handles. They are the best non-drilling child safety locks available for baby-proofing drawers. They are simple to set up and can be used on any flat surface.

Magnetic Locks

Magnetic latches could solve the problem for parents who are considering how to baby-proof drawers without handles. They are the most popular method for baby-proofing drawers. It's built on a drawer locking mechanism that won't unlock until it's opened with a magnetic key. All you have to do to open the locked drawer is to place the key in front of the lock with one hand while pulling the drawer with the other.

The good news is that you can temporarily deactivate the locks if you need to open and close drawers frequently while working in the kitchen. Magnetic locks come in a package with one magnetic key and several locks, allowing you to install the locks on a variety of drawers.

For our testing, we used a couple of magnetic latches and the  Safety 1st Magnetic Locking System seemed to do a good job. Magnetic locks appeal to me because of their sophisticated yet understated appearance. This magnetic latch will prevent the little explorer from opening drawers that are off-limits. It is simple to install inside the drawers and is fully safe. This system is activated by a magnetic key that should be held out of reach of children. 

When you are not using it, such as when you are in the bathroom or kitchen, it can quickly be disengaged. If you want to re-open the drawers, the Secure Tech locking indicator will show that the lock is properly engaged. This set includes 8 locks and a key.

Latch Locks

When it comes to childproofing drawers, latch locks are one of the most popular options. Latch locks were created specifically to secure drawers, so you can be sure they'll function. 

The Dreambaby safety locks are an excellent choice to consider because they are extremely simple to set up. You simply attach the latch near the top of the drawer and the other piece above the drawer with latch locks. The latch would then firmly latch onto the attached plastic. When this happens, your child cannot open the drawer. 

However, keep in mind that the locks will need to be drilled into the drawers.

Adjustable Safety Locks

If you're wondering how to baby-proof drawers without handles, adjustable Safety Locks might be a good option.

Adjustable safety locks are ideal for securing multiple drawers at the same time. Two plastic anchors are on either side of a silicon strip in these locks. Attach one side of this lock to the side of your drawer and the other to the front. After that, you tighten the strap to keep the door closed. What I like about adjustable safety locks is that they can be used on drawers of various sizes and are extremely simple to install.

Consider the Wonderkid adjustable safety locks which are not only universally suited but also reusable. The only problem with this form of lock is that it always leaves a small gap through which your child can squeeze their fingers.

Do Not Do Baby proofing At All!

Of course, suppose you don't like any of the above choices for baby-proofing drawers without handles. Because you're worried that your children will find out how to use them, or you just don't like how they look on your hardwood glazed-finished drawers. If that's the case, another choice is to not baby-proof them at all! This technique is ineffective, but it is a good way to hone your organizational skills. Since the only solution is to eliminate all dangerous items from the kitchen and store them in a safe location where only you have access to, such as an overhead cupboard or a small kitchen closet.


When is the right time to begin childproofing your home?

It's never too early to start protecting your home from children. You can even begin three months before your due date. If you believe it is too soon and would prefer to begin after your child is born, begin before your baby is mobile. It's a good idea to start around the 6-month mark. This will give you at least three months to completely child-proof your home, as most babies begin to crawl around the age of nine months.

When should child-proofing end?

Remove child-proofing when you believe your child has grasped the concept of danger and has improved his or her reasoning abilities. Perhaps you can think about it when your child is about five years old.

Is it expensive to baby-proof your home?

This will be determined by a variety of factors, including the size of your home and the items that require baby proofing. Do you have any stairs? It also depends on whether you use do-it-yourself childproofing methods or hire professional childproofing services.


You now know how to baby-proof drawers without handles. Childproofing your home is a vital exercise that no parent can take lightly. Keep in mind that this is a continuous operation.

As your child grows older, you will need to upgrade some of your methods. Remove any potentially dangerous materials, chemicals, or drugs from the drawers as much as possible.

Someone may forget to reattach the locks after each use, that the locks will loosen, or that your child will find out how to unlock them. Always be cautious.

Hope this helps, parents!

About the author 

Mai Pham

Mai Pham discovered her passion for writing a few years ago and she never stop thinking about it ever since. She finally took the leap and created Live a Worthy Life to brag about her smart ass (mainly just for fun). Enjoyed the fun writing brings, now with her new interest in everything-baby-related, she created Mommy Instinct, to tell mamas that it's ok that they mess up, that they don't know what the hell they are doing, and that it's okay to sit back and relax for a while.


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