by maipham

March 13, 2022

best pumping bra to wear all day

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So you were thinking pregnancy is the hardest time? Then you will have to struggle much more with the postpartum period. 

You know, which is breastfeeding, changing diapers, comforting babies, doing housework while your husband is also busy making money outside. Even small tasks like pumping breast milk can make you feel time-consuming and unable to spend time doing other things. Using two hands to hold two bottles of milk is quite inconvenient because having to bend over often causes back pain. 

But don't worry too much! Because we are here to make your life easier. Take a look at our best pumping bras and see how much freedom they can give you. 

Different types of pumping bras 

A pumping bra is a bra that's built to support your breasts and keep the pump rims in place, giving you more hands-free and comfort. Currently, on the market, there are many styles of pumping bras, but the most popular are corset-style and integrated.

A corset pumping bra is a separate top that you wear around your body, with holes in each nipple to hold your breast shields.

Normally, a corset pumping bra needs to feel a little bit tighter than a normal bra, as it needs to hold the breast shields in place.

Likewise, the Integrated pumping bra has folds to keep it in place as you pump, but the bra has straps and a bra-like design so you can comfortably wear it all day.

As an integrated pumping bra is intended to be worn throughout the day, it has better design to keep the breast shields in place while still making you comfortable.

Both types of pump bras have their own advantages. If you choose a Corset bra, you will be easier to wear and have more options. You can buy two or three at a time to alternate wearing.

On the other hand, integrating a nursing bra and pumping can make things simpler without you having to carry extra accessories. It can also make chest compressions easier, as your breasts don't "push-in" to keep the bra pumping. 

How Many Pumping Bras Do You Need? 

The concern of new mothers when having a baby is how many pumping bras are enough. A bit hard to say. If you are prone to leaks, you will likely need more than a person who does not leak. It also depends on how long you wear your bra before washing, and how often you wash or will wash. 

For moms who are less prone to leaks, two pumping bras can be just enough if you're diligent about washing them regularly. However, for mothers who have a lot of breast milk and often leak, about five pumping bras will be better. So you don’t have to insert new disposable pads with every pump. 

I know this seems like a lot, but you will live in these 24 hours a day for the duration of your nursing journey. Some moms shared that they suffered from leaking greatly, and that the process of putting on and taking off their pumping bras during and after pumping sessions was very time-consuming to change their shirts three times a day. 

How Often Should You Wash A Pumping Bra 

Pumping bras are like regular bras for moms. However, they are for the real "mothers". In addition to supporting your breasts, nursing bras have to perform a variety of tasks in different ways to keep things running smoothly. 

Pumping bras, for example, should be easily accessible to feed your baby and must withstand the pulling. It also has to withstand the milk spills, nighttime use, engorgement and more. If it's not like regular bras, do we need to wash them as often? That's what mothers worry about. 

If it's not too difficult for you to remove the accessories without getting milk on your shirt, my advice is to wash them once every other day. Many moms agree that there is no need to wash pumping bras too often. Because even the best pumping bras will lose shape and stretch if you wash them too often. 

However, you should keep it as clean as possible because pumping bras often have milk on them. Milk has a lot of sugar in it, so it's easier for bacteria to grow. To avoid these bacteria raging and affecting breast milk, you should consider washing every day. 

This advice will not be for mothers who are prone to overflow and engorgement, waking up in the morning in a puddle of breast milk or spitting. So in this situation you will have to wash the pumping bra more often. I recommend washing once a day or after every 2 wears. 

Can You Wear A Pumping Bra All Day?  

You shouldn’t wear an ordinary pumping bra all day as it doesn’t support your breasts. However, there are many modern pumping bras on the market that can give you support and comfort even if you wear them all day.

A side note is, for the most comfort, you should choose a pumping bra that is tight enough to hold well while you are pumping, but also should not be so tight that you feel pinched. 

Because if you choose the wrong one or don't fit properly, it can cause blocked milk ducts or reduce your milk supply if you wear a shirt all day. 

How Should A Pumping Bra Fit? 

To find the best pumping bra for you, it's best to go to a store to try it on or listen to a consultant. But we completely understand that in the current pandemic, going out is also very inconvenient. Not to mention if you're a busy person (I meant, all new moms don’t even have time to sleep) and don't have time to hang around the shops. 

Therefore, ordering online is still the best option. However, there are some notes on how to choose the right pumping bra size.

First you have to see what your bust measurement is. To know this you should wear a regular bra without underwire and then use a measuring tape, measure around the bust. You should roll over the fullest part of the breast. Finally, subtract the belt size from your cup size. Record your measurements and compare them with the sizes the store has. 

Some advice when you are about to buy a pump bra is not to buy too early. It's impossible to predict what your breasts will look like during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Everyone has a different body and the change is also different. 

Many people's breasts do not change too much during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. But many people have their breasts quadrupled from their original size. 

Many experts agree that the most accurate time for sizing pumping bras is three to four months after giving birth. This will give you time to establish and adjust your milk supply. The best time to measure is midday, when the breasts are full, before breastfeeding. 

What to look for in a pumping bra?

If you have smaller breasts, you may feel fine without a pumping bra. Regular bras or sports bras can also be used. However, if you have a large bust, or your breasts are very full and heavy, the best pumping bra can help you feel more comfortable. 

However, I find that there are very few mothers who have the experience to choose a pumping bra. And now on the market, there are also many pumping bras with different materials and prices that make mothers feel a headache when choosing. 

Not only must you pay attention to the material of the mother's shirt, you also need to pay attention to many other factors. Then I will suggest you 4 criteria to choose the best pumping bra for you: 


Comfort will be one of the top factors for you to choose a pumping bra. Because during the postpartum period, mothers will often feel fatigue and discomfort in the body. 

Mothers' breasts will be larger, heavier due to engorgement due to milk. Not to mention you want to wear it all day. So a pumping bra with good material, soft and light will be the perfect choice. You should also avoid underwired bras. Because they make your breasts squeeze, and clog the milk. 

Pumping Bra Fit:

The pumping bra should be tight enough to hold the contours in, but not too tight. Bras that are too tight not only make you uncomfortable, but can also lead to blocked milk ducts. 

You should wear a bra that can be adjusted in the back. And remember to buy a bra with good stretch or lots of adjustment, as your body can get bigger or thinner over time, depending on diet and exercise. 

The Color: 

This criterion is not so important as it will be based on your personal preferences. You can totally wear a brightly colored pumping bra with glittery accessories. 

However, if you are a fan of glamor, I have to tell you the sad news that most pumping bras come in nude, pink or black colors. But in my experience, I recommend going with a black pumping bra which makes more sense. 

Aside from the fact that black is an easy color to wear, I've found that milk stains on black pump bras are easier to wash off than pink and nude. 


One of the top criteria for moms when choosing a pumping bra is price. The great thing is that pumping bras are not expensive at all. 

However, you should also choose mid-priced pumping bras. Because through my life experience, I find that quality is better than quantity. You should buy an expensive but durable and reusable item. It's better than using money to buy a bunch of things but it only takes a few days to break. 

The best pumping bras are of course more expensive, but they are made with better quality fabric and the hooks work better. Just by looking and touching, you can feel the elasticity, coolness and certainty of these pumping bras. 

However, for moms on a tight budget, the option for you is to check out their package pricing here, where you get discounts when you buy in bulk. 

If you want to buy a less expensive pump bra, there are also mid-range options for you. Of course it won't be as perfect and comfortable as the more expensive ones. However, they are also comfortable and won't burn your wallet in particular. 

Top 3 best pumping bras to wear all day 

After all that I have presented above, perhaps it has helped you somewhat better understand this product as well as choose the criteria you want when buying a pumping bra. However, to make it easier for you to choose, without spending time wandering around on sales websites, we would like to suggest you the best pumping bras: 

Larken X Bra 

The first one that I want to introduce to you is the Larken X Bra. The all-in-one nursing and hands-free pumping bra. You will not need to worry about your breast size after giving birth as it is made of stretchy fabric to adapt to the changing size of your breasts. 

This shirt has no underwire but still keeps your bust shape, besides it also has no zipper, all are stretchy to give you the most comfortable experience when wearing this one. It's compatible with most breast pumps. Machine washable and dryer friendly. 

This pumping bra has almost no complaints from buyers. People commented that it is not restrictive and the fabric is smooth. The only point to note when buying this product is that you should buy one size larger than your breasts. 

Sublime Busty Hands Free Pumping Bra

Another product that you can refer to is Sublime Busty Hands Free Pumping Bra. This shirt is a bit more expensive to look at, but it can be said that your feeling when wearing this shirt is the feeling of lightness like clouds. Because for absolute comfort on mother and baby's skin, this shirt has been made from 84% Nylon, 16% Spandex.

Plus, the shirt features an innovative double clip that allows hands-free pumping, unobstructed nursing access, or parallel pumping and pumping, so you'll have more time for your day's tasks.

MOMANDA Women's 

The body of this bra is made up of 91% Polyamide and the other 9% is Elastane. The lining is made entirely of 100% Polyamide.

This pumping bra can give moms the option to pump and breastfeed at the same time, moms can wear it all day and do their chores, simplifying daily tasks.

Besides, the design and color of this pumping bra is very eye-catching and fashionable. Sexy lace design for a beauty that can be worn with low-cut shirts and skirts. With this MOMANDA Pumping Bra you are a mother but still very young and attractive.

Finding the best pumping bra to wear all day is not that hard

A pumping bra will help you a lot in your breastfeeding journey. A great helper to make your life simpler and more comfortable. So don't be afraid to buy yourself a pumping bra that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed even if you need to wear it all day. 

Remember, breastfeeding is a long journey, and the most important to improve your milk supply and the quality of your milk is how relaxed you feel. So do whatever it takes to release some unnecessary stress, because raising a human being is no joke.

About the author 

Mai Pham

Mai Pham discovered her passion for writing a few years ago and she never stop thinking about it ever since. She finally took the leap and created Live a Worthy Life to brag about her smart ass (mainly just for fun). Enjoyed the fun writing brings, now with her new interest in everything-baby-related, she created Mommy Instinct, to tell mamas that it's ok that they mess up, that they don't know what the hell they are doing, and that it's okay to sit back and relax for a while.


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