by maipham

May 11, 2022

best double stroller for infant and 3 year old

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Need a stroller for two babies? If you're having twins or are expecting a second baby (and are about to transport both an infant and 3-year-old), a double stroller should be on your shopping list.

I understand your problem if you have many children, it is almost impossible to get out of the house for a walk or to go to the mall or the park without a double stroller. The spacious stroller not only helps to get your baby from one place to another easily and safely, but it also helps to carry your belongings.

And after all, two kids mean twice as much, right?

If you're looking for a double stroller for an infant or a 3-year-old or a double stroller for multiples, we've got you covered.

In a hurry? Let’s go straight to our top picks.

Deciding the best double stroller for infant and 3 year old

Here's the quick guide to decide.

Types of double strollers

Before making your decision, let's go through the types  of double strollers to see which one is your best fit.

Side-by-Side/Twin Strollers: 

As the name suggests, side-by-side or twin strollers are made with two seats next to each other. This type of double baby stroller used to be too wide to go through doorways or store aisles, but today, most well-made twin strollers are narrower. 

This type of double stroller is generally easy to rotate and maneuver and fits easily into most trunks.

Side-by-side strollers offer the same arm and legroom for both children. They can easily see each other and talk. They can also see their surroundings better, and both children are within an arm’s reach of mommy.

In-line double strollers

This type of double stroller has two seats, one in front of the other. Often, one seat is raised higher than the other. If you’re expecting twins, be sure to pick one that is made for two car seats.

What’s more, with an inline double stroller, one seat may recline more and have more legroom and accessories, such as a cup holder. You can put your older child in that seat as he/she will need more space than your younger one... Besides,  some inline double strollers have 2 seats that are facing each other, so that your kids can interact and talk.

Sit and Stand/Stand-On Strollers

If you have a toddler and are expecting another baby, a convertible stroller may be a good choice. This stroller can convert up to two or even three more seats for the following babies depending on the design configuration.

Convertible strollers usually have an in-line design and are convenient for travel.

What to look for in a double stroller for infant and 3 year old

Whatever the double stroller design you are going to pick, there are some elements of a double stroller that you must check before buying. 


Sometimes you'll need this full handlebar to maneuver your twin stroller with one hand. Two-handle strollers are generally more difficult to maneuver. The handlebars allow you to adjust the height easily for better pushing.

A solid frame 

Look for twin strollers with a sturdy frame designed to safely accommodate two children during use. 

Depending on your children’s ages, the stroller’s frame must follow accordingly. If twins are using the stroller, make sure you get something that can grow with them. Especially if your children are on the chunky side. 

If you are looking for the best double stroller for an infant and 3 year old, make sure you keep that in mind and get something that can make your older child comfortable. . These strollers usually have a lower weight limit on one of the seats because they are designed for babies and toddlers. And be mindful to put your children in their right seats. 


Babies under six months shouldn’t be placed in a stroller seat unless the backrest can be reclined more than 130°. So if you search for the best double stroller for an infant and a toddler, make sure one of the seat’s backrests can recline nearly completely. 


Swivel front wheels are easier to maneuver but can be useful when they can be locked for moving at higher speeds or over rough terrain. Big wheels tend to be better on sidewalks and rough terrain and generally provide a more comfortable ride. Before buying, pull the wheels to make sure they do not come off.


Look for the rear brake on both wheels that are linked so that the left and right brakes can be activated with a single lever. Check them out at work by hitting the brakes, then trying to push the levers. Check that they are actively locked in place. Pedal or lever brakes on the handle mean you don't have to bend over but make sure you can use them easily. 


Some strollers only have 3-point harnesses (only on the knees), but you need a 5-point harness (wear them on the shoulders too) to make sure your baby doesn't stand up when your stroller stops. Also, as your twins get older, it's harder to escape a 5-point harness than a 3-point harness. Let's put them in the safe seats.

Should I get a double stroller or stroller with a standing board?

That must be the question many people have asked or are asking themselves, right?

A stroller is not a cheap investment, and it is wasteful if you already own a single stroller and have to upgrade it into a double stroller with a new baby coming.

The answer is yes, you can choose either option. However, there are some pros and cons to each option. 

Using double strollers

The advantage of a double stroller is that it fits comfortably for two of your children and, depending on the model, they can sit next to each other so they can look at each other and enjoy the view. Instead of pushing two different strollers, parents will be able to use a double stroller to be able to go out with their children.

However, the downside of using a double stroller is its size. Twin strollers will be larger in size than single-baby strollers. This can be a pain, especially if you decide to go to a crowded place like a shopping mall where you have to navigate narrow alleys. Double strollers are also bulky and difficult to fold and store.

Using the Board

As children grow up, they don't want to sit or lie down when their parents walk. When children start to grow up to 3 years old, most prefer to stand on the board or hop on and off for walking. There are some types of stroller boards that even include seats so that older babies can sit when their legs are tired. 

This is great when you have a young baby and big 3-year-old kid who likes to walk most of the time and sometimes sit down.

What’s better: a double stroller or stroller with a standing board

Going out with two children can sometimes be difficult, especially when you only have a single-seat stroller. It doesn't matter whether the elder likes to walk or not, once he gets distracted and has a bad temper, it will be difficult for him to walk.

That's when you'd like to have a double stroller so even the older ones can hop on for a spin.

But if you've always dismissed the idea because you don't want to buy a double stroller (because most models are heavy), an easier solution is to get a stroller platform (called a stroller board or cross board) that you can easily attach to your existing stroller.

Best double stroller for infant and 3 year old 

Graco Ready2Grow LX 2.0 Double Stroller

The Graco Ready2Grow LX is an innovative tandem stroller with an updated look and improved functionality. (The frame has a more diagonal design, an easier folding mechanism, and a softer fabric).

Equipped with two stroller seats, this stroller accommodates two Graco infant car seats, making it a great choice for twins or siblings of similar age. The rear seat can be removed to become a bench or standing platform for larger children. The front seats offer several reclining options to ensure your baby's comfort.

The back seat lets you interact with your baby up close, while the bottom seat lets your little one get in and out easily.

This Graco stroller can hold the weight up to 50 lb for the front seat and 40lb for the rear seat. 

What we like

  • Highly versatile with 12 different riding configurations
  • Easy to clean
  • Added body support keeps your baby comfortable
  • Large removable canopies with visor for sufficient protection

What we don't like

  • Heavy
  • Too long even when folded, it takes a lot of trunk space
  • No side by the side seating arrangement

Best stroller for multiple

Dream on me vulgo twin umbrella stroller

For a simple double stroller, you can't go wrong with this one. It's safe for kids 6 months to 3 years old (or 40 pounds or 35 inches tall, whichever comes first) and features a convertible five-point harness for safety. The two side-to-side seats have reclining positions, legroom, and front bumper to avoid injury.

This stroller, collapsible, features two large adjustable canopies with mesh linings and a large storage basket under each seat.

What we like

  • Ample storage space
  • Good maneuverability
  • Front-facing seats offer reclining positions

What we don't like

  • No parent tray
  • Spot-clean only

Double stroller with Ultralight Graphite

Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite Stroller, Stand on Tandem, Double Stroller

For a double stroller, the priority for mothers is lightweight. With a super lightweight of only 23.5 pounds, these products are very compact and flexible. This stroller, on the other hand, has a weight capacity of up to 90 pounds. The stroller is specially designed with great seats. 

The front seat is specially designed for children about 3 years old with a capacity of up to 45 pounds with a three-function swivel. The rear seat is no less competitive because the double stroller is designed for children about 2 and a half years old including a standing table for toddlers up to 45 pounds. The stroller also includes three movement functions that allow babies to have a variety of experiences and learn new things in the surrounding surroundings thanks to the stroller's various views. 

Not only that, but this double stroller also includes a front brake lock function to ensure that babies have a pleasant and smooth journey with their loved ones, as well as a wide canopy to allow them to take in the sights and sounds of the world around them while protecting them from the sun and rain.

What we like

  • Extremely light stroller
  • Quick installation
  • Protect children from the sun and rain
  • Spacious seat for children

What we don't like

  • The front wheels have locks, sometimes they will lock unexpectedly

Double stroller for all-terrain

Evenflo, All-Terrain Stroller Wagon, Metal

If you live in an area with a slightly rough landscape but you have a small family member, then this product is just what you need. Although the stroller is quite heavy at 34.7 pounds, the stroller's capacity is enough for both children 5 years and older as well as the maximum capacity of this product to bear 120 pounds.

The stroller is quite large, so the children can sit and play together, bond with siblings more when playing in this stroller, as well as help the mother reduce the effort of taking care of the baby. The stroller has a fairly large area so you can put a baby about 3 years old and a smaller child at the same time, but always ensure comfort for both babies. 

However, if you want to use this, you must get an adapter and attach it to the stroller to accommodate your infant.

You may switch from pulling to pushing with a little twist. The most special thing is that this trolley is named the double terrain trolley because the wheels are specially designed to be extremely large so that it can go to all terrain, from bumpy sidewalks to sand and dirt.

What we like

  • Light and easy to store in the trunk of a car
  • Holds a lot of stuff
  • Double stroller durable use

What we don't like

  • The storage basket can't hold heavy items

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can a double stroller be used for babies?

Absolutely, not only can you put a newborn baby in the stroller, but you can also put an older child around 3 years old in it. But for newborns, I do not recommend using the Evenflo Pivot Xplore All-Terrain stroller because the design of this stroller is only suitable for babies who are old enough and can play together.

I recommend you to use a stroller like the Dream on me vulgo twin umbrella stroller because it has 2 separate seats that help ensure the safety of both babies. If you still like Evenflo's design and want to use it, make sure your older baby can afford to take care of the new baby.

  1. Do you need a stroller for the 3 years old? 

“In general, strollers shouldn't be necessary past the age of 3,” says Dr. Brandon Smith, general academic pediatrics fellow in the Department of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. “By that point, children should be walking and running without issue and don't need a stroller to get around.”

  1. Is the double stroller easy to fold and disassemble?

Most strollers today can be easily disassembled and folded to save space as well as for other items. Strollers are getting lighter and lighter.

Typically, you can name some famously light trolleys on the market such as Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite, Graco Ready2Grow LX 2.0 Double Stroller,...

  1. Can a part of a damaged baby stroller be replaced?

When you purchase your stroller, you may want to specifically ask if the baby stroller you have selected has extras (for example wheels) or replacement parts. This can be useful if you need to replace seat linings or add an extra stay at the cart facility to your stroller. The best source for this information will likely be the manufacturer. Check your owner's manual to see if there's information on replacement parts and where you can get them. 

There are some things you can do to maintain your stroller in good condition including not leaving it outside in bad weather. Keep wheels in good shape, check all belts and screws periodically to make sure they are not worn or damaged. It is important to keep the seat cover clean.

Final words

Taking care of a baby is never easy, especially when you need to take care of both kids at the same time. Anyway, having a double stroller will make walking around with your baby easier.

Depending on your needs, you can choose for yourself a suitable double stroller. But most commonly, you should pay attention to strollers with sturdy frames, large wheels to be able to go on many terrains, and good enough mesh padding for the baby to be most comfortable. 

Double strollers are appreciated for being able to create comfort for both children and help parents be more leisurely when going out with their children. No need to chase after your active kid with an infant in your arm, put your younger child in the stroller and make sure your active kiddo can hop on for a break some time.

About the author 

Mai Pham

Mai Pham discovered her passion for writing a few years ago and she never stop thinking about it ever since. She finally took the leap and created Live a Worthy Life to brag about her smart ass (mainly just for fun). Enjoyed the fun writing brings, now with her new interest in everything-baby-related, she created Mommy Instinct, to tell mamas that it's ok that they mess up, that they don't know what the hell they are doing, and that it's okay to sit back and relax for a while.


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